Our chicken comfort cold pressed dog food is the ultimate recipe for nourishing comfort – just like a warm bowl of chicken soup. It’s packed with essential immune-boosting nutrients, calming chamomile, and lavender, plus top-quality free range chicken.
Raw dog food isn’t always the right fit for canines. Hug cold pressed grain-free food is a great alternative. Our premium cold pressed dog food is complete and can provide all the benefits of a natural, nutritionally balanced diet when fed on its own. Alternatively, it can act as a great accompaniment to raw feeding.
The cold pressing method naturally locks in the nutritional value and flavour, making for tasty meals that are easy to digest. Standard dry pet food is produced at high temperatures and includes high levels of cheap cereals. Our cold pressed dog food is produced at low temperatures, and only puts to work top-notch, natural ingredients that support long-term canine health.